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Grace Place Application
For Women
Relationship Status
Do you have a proper ID to secure employment
Have you been diagnosed with a medical condition?
Do you have any medical issues that would prevent you from participating in household chores?
Have you been diagnosed with a mental health issue or disorder?
Do you have a history of suicide attempts?
Are you currently having thoughts of harming yourself?
Are you seeing a doctor and/or therapist for your mental health?
Are you involved in the legal system in any way?
Do you have to report to parole, corrections or probation?
Are you court ordered to reside in a sober living home?
Are you gang affiliated?
Do you have fines or child suppport that significantly impacts your finances?
Can you afford the $400 monthly living contribution?
Have you been to treatment in the past?
Have you successfully completed treatment?
Are you currently in out-patient treatment?
Do you go to support meetings?
Do you have a sponsor?
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